where can i to download the Spanish extension help? i don’t have an internet connection, so that i’d wish to download the Spanish extension since a coffe net.
please email me.
where can i to download the Spanish extension help? i don’t have an internet connection, so that i’d wish to download the Spanish extension since a coffe net.
please email me.
I could be wrong but I read in these forums that the Spanish version was not finished yet. Some users colaborate for free in its translation that could be a hard work.
Maybe in the version 4.5 you will have the help file translated, until there I think you can use the English or the Portuguese one
then, how can i to help in to the translation?
In fact, Igor, who is encharged of translations, is on his vacations until 14th September.
Lazaro is the user who translated the GUI and other parts of avast to Spanish.
Maybe you can send an IM to both of them
As Technical says, actually i´m a kind of “official” translator for spanish versions.
About help, i´m still working on it, as the most important is the program itself and i can only work in my free time.
If you want to help with that, email me and i will send you the parts (htmls) i´ve already not touched.
If you want to help with the main program, actually is completely translated, but for future versions you can help me telling me if the words and expresions i used are universal, as i know there´s known differencies betewen spanish of Spain and LatinoAmerican countries, for example:
English: Computer
Spain: Ordenador (male)
Mexico: Computadora (female)
Argetina: PC (female)
Well, Lazaro you have experience…
Take care about homogeneity
I suggest you send not only the ‘untouched’ html files but all of them.
For you, Kakaroto, I suggest you read the Lazaro’s translated pages before starting yours