Large scale European attack...

Hi malware fighters,

Thousands of machines have been compromised by a large scale attack. See this link:
The complicated attack goes mainly unnoticed while the webmasters of the infected sites are unaware, and the visitors think the sites are reliable and secure. Users of NoScript on a Mozilla type browsers are safe, because the malware vector is malicious javascript.

more attacks-what a safe web we surf in :o
Italy is suffering from a barrage of remote attacks launched from hundreds of compromised websites, security experts have warned. Researchers at Symantec reported that attackers have injected ‘iframe’ tags within the HTML files on compromised sites. The tags redirect users to a site that runs MPack, a utility that attempts multiple exploits and malware installations. More than 65,000 users had been redirected to the malicious page since Friday afternoon, and more than 7,000 successful exploits had been carried out.
Symantec researcher Elia Florio warned in a company blog that users should update antivirus software and all system and third-party software that can be vulnerable to attacks. Florio warned that MPack attempts to exploit multiple vulnerabilities and applications, including flaws in QuickTime and WinZip

click to animate ::slight_smile:
ahoy there avast!forum matey’s ;D

Hi drhayden1,

But the crux of the matter is they are getting infected through malicious JavaScript. The attackers main aim at tourists, hotel, car rental, music, gamble etc. If a victim that is vulnerable visit such a site, he or she is redirected to an IP-address with malicious JavaScript JS_DLOADER.NTJ. This JavaScript downloads TROJ_SMALL.HCK, causing a buffer overflow inside the browser. De malware then downloads the additional TROJ_AGENT.UHL, and TROJ_PAKES.NC, through which the remote user can use the infected machine as a proxy and monitor key-strokes.
