Last Avast update conflicting with windows XP update's

That’s nice! you’ve been lucky so far :wink: Google-Google-Googl

AS I said wish people would read before asking look at my profile at the bottom of the post "Dell XPS m1530 w/moderfied Dual O/S -XP PRO SP3/Vista. 320gb/7200 RAM HD & all the bells & whistles. Avast: Home 6.0 (UP to date) unfortunately

Nothing running but Avast! malwarebytes on demand that’s it! Amazing how all answer always look to place the blame were it doesn’t belong. Google-Google-Google and go to MS help as well. Unfortunately You won’t find a stitch of it on AVAST :-X

I’m no longer using Avast or XP Pro, had to temporarily reinstall the Vista OS to have a workable puter. considering buying a Mac that I can Parallel XP Pro on just for the programs I need that can’t be run on anything else. So Good luck to you all _ i’m done

I wish people would keep their signature updated.
Unfortunately not everyone is doing it.

Well, there is already one of your problems.
You should have used the latest (or later) avast version.

True, but most people don’t spend that much time in the forum. only when there’s an issue so updating their signature is not the most pressing issue.

Wrong ::slight_smile: Again ,if you read the top of the thread the latest version is what caused the problem in the first place, When I asked for HELP 2 months before it CRASHED! After updating to the Latest Version. It’s a mute point now, Hard Drive is unrecoverable and it’s to late in the game to reinstall XP Pro. The update to my original post was not to ask for help, only to inform other XP users to proceed with caution if they start to experience similar early symptoms. Something Avast should be doing not me :wink: before they run into a similar fate.

After reading this Topic I’d just like to add I also run an xp OS with Avast Premier installed and so far no issues like described here.
Having said that, I think I’d be foolish to think this ‘magnificent and beautiful’ but Obsolete xp OS will not run into issues as time quickly passes by with other 3rd party software as they develop for present and future technologies.
It’s just a matter of time :wink:

Thank you kind Sir 8) alas someone with who knows what he’s talking about :wink: Just sorry you didn’t reply to me 2 months earlier maybe I could have headed off the total demise of my XP Pro OS. Long live XP the best ;D

I guess you weren’t around for all of the complaints when XP was first release.
There was a long learning curve that most of today’s users seem to have forgotten.
Windows 8.1 happens to be an excellent OS and hopefully Windows 10, once finalized and released will improve on the 8.1 starting foundation.

Oh contra! Don’t let my handle fool U. My first computer was a Windows 2000 Professional my 2nd was XP Pro in 2004. In 2008 when dell didn’t have a replacement for a bad motherboard I got the XPS with Vista which was a total disaster so replaced the hard drive, partitioned it and added XP Pro other than a few minor hiccups I never had any issues with 2000 or XP Pro until 2 months ago when Avast’s program update blocked windows updates and then Blocked Windows from opening even in Safe Mode 11 days ago.

In closing, I’m glad you happy with your newer OS, But what works for you doesn’t mean everyone shares your point of view or serves their needs. So your comments are irrelevant especially when your clueless to the posters requirements of their OS and just for the sake of having something to say. ::slight_smile:

PS; There is a reason there are still 25% of us die heart XP/Pro users including major Corp. & institutions do not share your love of 7,8, 8.1 and probably 10.

I have build my first computer in 1982 with electronic components.
Screen ?
Yes it had one, a dot matrix display.
Had to design and make the PCB (Printed circuit board ) myself.

PS; There is a reason there are still 25% of us die heart XP/Pro users including major Corp. & institutions do not share your love of 7,8, 8.1 and probably 10.
Yes I know there are also still people using rotary dial telephones. :)

What ?!
You still haven’t bought a decent phone for your sweet wife ? ;D

She’s the one that doesn’t have any use for a smart phone.
Her motto is simple If you want to contact me, call and talk to me.
No text, no internet just a dumb phone. (It’s actually nice once in a while to still talk to someone. ) :slight_smile:

1982 8) not so loud YOUR giving out you age, lol :slight_smile: That’s when the dinosaurs roamed, PC weren’t even PC’s then. Well my Mom always said I was a late bloomer so your probably around my son’s age lol ;D At 16 when a business couldn’t find anyone to configure their new computer they would call his school and they would send my son, at 17 they asked him to teach a computer class. I didn’t get my first computer til 2000 and drove my son nuts that first year until he finally VPN’ed to my computer rather than talk me thru what I did wrong, lol. by the 2nd year I finally got a handle on it, boy was he relieved, lol. Unfortunately he lives in a different State now and travels a lot for business so I don’t like to impose on him for trivial things that most often I can handle myself through Google or a forum or tech support and if it’s really out of my depth an IT specialist.

Anyway happy computing,