Last update (as at 8 Dec 2015) causes program to not run

I suddenly started getting an application refusing to run, just getting the spinning circle until I logout or restart. Confirmed to be an Avast problem by disabling all shields temporarily and trying to run again → no problems. Turned shields back on with no other changes & immediately re-tried run → problem! Turn shields off again (even with spinning circle) → no problem!

So I added this application to the Exclusion list & tried again → no problem :slight_smile: But this is only a workaround. It’s not a viable option to have to do this for any other program that is affected, apart from the security risk it presents a real PITA!

Environment is Win 8.1 64-bit

The application is protected with Armadillo/Software Passport & there’s never been an issue running it before.

Look forward to a quick fix!


You can report a suspected FP here:

Excuse me? It’s this how Avast lets users know it suspects a virus? Sit there with a spinning circle until the cows come home? Come on guys that’s not good enough! This has NOT been a problem until the last update! I’ve been a loyal (paid) Avast user for many years now but there’s plenty of alternatives out there. Get your damn act together and fix whatever you did in the last update to create the problem!

Excuse me? It's this how Avast lets users know it suspects a virus?
No, there should be a popup warning what shield is blocking the program?

They cant fix a problem they dont know about so report it

Noli necare nuntium.