LastPass got hacked and I am offline

I have been trying to log into LastPass for a day and they are showing that their servers are busy…

So, I have missed all of my important emails and a great part of my social life :smiley:

Why potential LastPass data breach isn’t last straw

This is also discussed here

Any ideas of how to get around and create a new password?

I never expected any risks in online password management although i knew there were risks. But still I am sticking with LastPass because my passwords are difficult to remember.

Already in a forum Topic to which you have contributed, so why this one…

lol, if i comment on update thread, people say, I am off topic, so i though i shouldn’t comment in any thread for specific purposes even if they it is relating to things already mentioned

Although, now i think, i shouldn’t have cause as far as i know, I think Logos use LastPass, and Vlk use LastPass, the rest were against the use of LastPass in a discussion some years ago, but i still have doubts who were the people who did use LastPass then.

So, i think there wouldn’t have been any discussion any way


I still don’t prefer using such online apps. Credentials on someone else’s server?:o I never expected it to not happen with lastpass or any other online password management service. I still use Bruce Schneier’s password safe and it’s cool.

I don’t trust OpenSource software for keeping my passwords safe.

Ok. Thats what you prefer. With opensource software like firefox, google chrome etc being used by many people, I don’t think that opensource is not dependable or reliable. Bruce Schneier is one of the many security experts and password safe is a really good program. There are many times when opensource has not failed and non-open source has failed. One example is what this thread is. Vice versa might also be true. So open source or not open source is certainly not the issue.

But you trust someone else to look after them?

Oh well, to each his own…

Yeah, a software which is offline and can encrypt all the passwords with a master key is better than writing it in a paper and keeping it in my pocket.

I wonder why you are not using KeePass

I am! But I also use LastPass.

hmm, i think i should also use KeePass as well, just in case, LastPass shuts down again :slight_smile:

Its a matter of choice :). I have tried using keepass, but haven’t suited me. Just like chrome didn’t. One can keep asking why this and why not to every other software we use, but ultimately we have to stick to one.:wink:

Why is that? The peer review of the the source code facilitated by the GPL open source requirements can make security deficiencies (as well as other issues) much more apparent. I even used PGP at times. I certainly would not trust a proprietary capability in the cloud as much.
I also use Password Safe, BTW. :slight_smile:

LastPass login problem got fixed just now. Now everyone can login :slight_smile: