HELP! If I uninstall Avast the problem goes away or if I launch outlook in safe mode. No addins enabled.
Hello uvcourse,
In french forum, you could find that i have the same problem :
No answer for the moment of avast support.
It also stops access using the To: cc: & bcc: when creating a new message
Same Outlook 2003 problems here… They said to do a AvastClear uninstall in safe mode and reinstall it. I did and still have the same problems… PLUS… the new version wipes out my System Restore points which is VERY scary…
Submit a ticket:
I submitted a ticket. That won’t go anywhere. It’s definitely in the program starting with 10.2.2223, they admitted that. I had to install an older version. That works. They gave me 10.2.2218. I’ve got XP SP3, Outlook 2002. No right click menu. It’s odd that it works if I highlight more then one item though. Anyways, I wouldn’t hold your breathe on this. You’ve got an old machine and it seems to be kind of isolated. As these anti-virus programs get larger and larger, I notice a pattern. In the past, I’ve dropped Symantec and AVG for small things like this that just seem to keep adding up. But then again, there are still 250 million computers using Windows XP. And a lot of these people are going to be buying Windows 10 in the next couple of years. I wouldn’t want to alienate them now.
Re: They gave me 10.2.2218
How did they give it you?? HELP !!!
I had exactly the same problem on 3 computes (2 XP and 1 WIn7). Fortunately I had images I could drop on both Xp machines but nothing to help the Win7 system.
I called and asked for a link to 10.2.2218, but they didn’t offer me anything.
Try it here:
Below is the download link for version 2015.10.2.2218:
Thanks, anyway Asyn, but ALL links on Filepony lead to 10.3.xxxx versions, even though they say they are something else (10.2, etc)
Big Thanx, cpenkola…got it !!
There is a work-around I have found but it’s is PAIN… you have to do this each time you open Outlook 2003… the issue is the Forms Cache…
Click: Tools, Options, Other, Advanced Options, Custom Forms, Manage Forms, Clear Cache… then OK each open menu box…
Outlook 2003 then works correctly… until Outlook is closed and re-opened.
Will this problem be fixed in the next update?
I have been running outlook in safe mode, works fine, just an extra step to open the program. I tried the clear cache step when I felt like I was the only person with this problem. For me it did not help, only running in safe mode.
This problem should be fixed now. Could you please restart PC and try to use Outlook?
Most of the people on this thread reverted back to the prior version I provided above, 2015.10.2.2218. Just a coincidence, but I accidentally updated to the new version this past Saturday and it still did not work. If whatever you did happened after that, we need someone else to guinea pig and let us know. One time this week is enough for me! I’m on stand by…
This is a help forum. Your answer really doesn’t help anyone ???
The problem never effected me so my reply that I still don’t have any problems also isn’t of any help.
Hopefully someone who actually had a problem will try the latest version to confirm that the problem has actually been fixed.
My answer certainly is relevant. MartinZ from Avast has stated that this problem with Outlook has been fixed. I’m advising him that IF this update was prior to last Saturday, it still does not work. I was anticipating him to chime in with a response to clarify that time frame. And yes I did ACTUALLY have the problem and provided a temporary solution above with a link to a prior version. Additionally, I was concurrently running another thread for the same exact issue, i.e. I was one of the originators! (Sorry bob3160, strange comment!)
The comment isn’t strange. The refusal to try the latest version however is.
Telling Avast that you aren’t willing to try the latest version which MartinZ states addressed the problem also makes no sense.
I already stated that I never experiences the problem so I can’t veryfy if your problem is fixed or not.
The latest program version, 10.2.2218, is the same one from April 20th. And that’s the same one I tried last Saturday and that’s the same one I tried back in April. Nothing has changed. MartinZ suggested to restart your machine and it was going to be fixed! Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe virus definitions can fix a program. The current program version has not changed and neither has the problem with Outlook.
The latest program version, 10.2.2218, is the same one from April 20th. And that’s the same one I tried last Saturday and that’s the same one I tried back in April. Nothing has changed. MartinZ suggested to restart your machine and it was going to be fixed! Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe virus definitions can fix a program. The current program version has not changed and neither has the problem with Outlook.
Quite a few thing s can be fixed and changed through a VPS update. It doesn’t always require a program update.
I’m running the latest beta version 10.4.2231 and the latest VPS update is 150911-9