A few days ago Avast prompted me to update to their latest version. After that, the command line description disappeared from the Task Manager (see attachment below).
Whereas in the past this appeared in the description area: “C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastUI.exe” /nogui
Now it doesn’t.
Very strange I’d say.
(By the way, the above happened before this did, so no connection there.)
Nope! Well, they shouldn’t, they haven’t for me. You’ll have to sign into your Avast account again, once you have successfully reinstalled avast. I’ve had to reinstall windows multiple times, meaning fresh copy, which comes with Norton Antivirus… ???
All of my points are still here. c:
Though online it says no device connected with my account, which is odd since I’ve just re-signed up for the second time at the end of the subscription year.
Sorry for not getting back till now.
I tried the above and it didn’t help, the path is still missing from the Task Manager.
So I restored my system back to before I uninstalled Avast in the hope that I wouldn’t lose the stuff in the virus chest (mostly false positives) and scan history, but alas I lost those anyway. And this came up after the first login subsequent to restoring my system, though Avast worked later on.