Latest Avast Version

This forum is littered with complaints about the new free version and the problems it is causing. Also liberally dispersed throughout, are a multitude of suggestions to remove and perform a clean install. May I suggest that it has been released far too early? In my case it rendered my machine almost unusable by slowing it to a crawl, sometimes freezing and hours spent trying to remove and perform the oft mentioned “clean install”. I know it’s a freebie and I’m grateful, but we’re unsuspecting users, not guinea pigs!

About what exact version are you talking ?


For those who are NOT interested in any “prereleases” because of potential issues but instead are only interested in final production releases that have the expectation of being stable, then those who may be more familiar with how this works than I am please do correct me if I’m wrong, but it is my understanding that these users should wait for the notification on the initial Avast GUI where Avast would states a “New program version is available” with a link provided to update. I am assuming that this update would NOT be either a “beta” version or a “prerelease” version (I’m vague on the last part as it may in fact be a “prerelease” version possibly in which case I’m then not sure what the user would do in the case that a user may in fact only interested in a stable version).

That said, if I’m correct and a stable version is what is provided by Avast at which time the Avast GUI states there is a “New program version available” this does not explain why so many users have found that this method of updating the Avast program has failed to install correctly as reported in this forum in which a number of users have needed to still end up doing a “clean install” in many cases.

I guess what I’m saying is that I am presuming that if the Avast GUI (when launched) states that a “New program version is available” then this is probably not a prerelease or of course certainly not a beta version as well and that the issues that have occurred installing Avast in this manner are an unusual event with the newest Avast program update.

Hopefully, some who will undoubtedly be more familiar with this will clarify any areas where I may be mistaken.

Only if you have previously used a beta version of avast would you be offered a new beta update. This is a recent change as previously if you had subsequently installed the final regular release, you would have to manually download and install a beta build.

There are beta versions probably 3 or so beta updates, before there gets to a point where it is more stable to be considered a release candidate. This would technically still be considered a beta version, only when it gets to RTM, is it considered a final version which would then be uploaded to the update servers…

For those who have never taken part in beta testing, will only ever be offered the regular release versions.

David, is what I surmised in the post above your post correct when I stated that “… I am presuming that if the Avast GUI (when launched) states that a ‘New program version is available’ then this is probably not a prerelease or of course certainly not a beta version as well and that the issues that have occurred installing Avast in this manner are an unusual event with the newest Avast program update.”?

One more question, would what I’m saying above also apply to program update releases via an “automatic update” setting again assuming the user has not used a previous beta version. And does the term “beta” include as well releases classified as “prereleases” and if not how are they impacted by the manner in which they are released to the respective users?

OK, not really one more question, and as I stated those users who have had updates done via either the update link on the Avast GUI or in the case “automatic updates” that resulted in an update that ended up needing a “clean install” regardless can be considered an unusual event thus not what a user would typically expect to be the case?

Since Program Updates aren’t set to automatic (I know, don’t ask), it should be a notification of a new program update and that would be for a regular release (unless, you had previously been a beta tester) essentially be the same as if it were a manual update.

We have asked in a couple of topics about this, beta tester function to get a beta build that the notification should indicate it is a beta build. We also believe there should be a UI setting to join or decline beta builds, otherwise it is a lifetime sort of option.

As far as a clean install goes - I would hope it does just that - you should be on a clean slate and no beta builds unless you subsequently install a beta build. That said, I don’t know how the beta tester/user information is retained, so I can’t say with a high degree of certainty.

Jackdaw, the problem(s) you are mentioning have been solved in:


You already had problems remember ?

So now blaming an Avast! program update for your problems, is a little premature don’t you think ?

Besides, we already told you what to do if you want help.

We can only help you if you allow us.

Greetz, Red.

I did everything that you recommended Red, made it worse…see the post I left.

No, you did not : See the last quote in my previous post. But that is your choice.

Greetz, Red.

Fair enough, I defer to your superior knowledge. All I can tell you is that, unlike you I am a novice, ergo I did everything that I could fathom out and understand…within the parameters of my limited knowledge and ability, and I failed miserably. Sorry


My apologies if you feel offended. I wish you all the best :slight_smile:

Greetz, Red.

after the update, the “system interrupts” process averages 18% cpu usage with my fx 4100 when idle
please don’t pass the buck, please don’t send me on a wild goose chase; just please get to work on a hotfix

disreguard that^. i would say i feel stupid, but after working on the amd driver uninstall/reinstall for 3 hours straight i dont have feelings anymore

Haha, knew it…I too have an issue, and I don’t know why. Thread link above ^^^

The latest “update” is indeed CRAP. In case you didn’t know, 90% of “updates” are not done to make things better. They are just released for the sake of releasing an “update”. More like a “downgrade”.

This is no longer conjecture. It’s reality.

In reference to your link

Did you try adding the file to your “File System Shield” EXCLUSIONS LIST: “Settings” > “Active Protection” > “File System Shield” > "File System Shield Settings (the little “gear” next to the “on/off” setting) > “Exclusions” add the FILE NAME here. THEN REBOOT.

Of course as I’m sure you are already know the “safest” way to add the file is to determine the entire path location of the file and enter that specific entire path including the file name. Of course wildcards can be used for the path but that can leave you vulnerable to malware that may spoof that file name so it’s best to use the entire path to the location of the valid executable file.

There is no little gear icon in the latest avast version, it is blue text ‘Customize.’ I guess that is what comes of not using the latest version ;D

Thanks DavidR for the heads up, yep that is absolutely what comes with not using the latest version, along with a few other things I might add that are not necessarily that desirable. :wink:

Btw, kind of a superfluous change I might add considering all the more necessary changes needed that were apparently overlooked as Avast reportedly tries to put out “hot fixes” in order to try and shore up all kinds of issues cropping up in the new version of Avast. :smiley: