Just received notification on an program update for my AIS 2014. Is this a mandatory update for security reasons, please? The reason I ask is the fact since I completely removed AIS 2014 a few months ago, because of some issues with my Safe Zone, etc. Wiping everything that had Avast on it and then I totally reinstalled it. Never had another issue with the Safe Zone, etc. Now everything is working great. Do I really need to update or can I keep using the following version 2014.9.0.2021, please?
Reading other members issues with this new updated version, sounds like a lot of issues that needs to be ironed out yet and I do not really need any hiccups with my two computers right now. Please do not take my post in a negative way, as I am not able to sit at my two computers for any length of time due to medical issues. I would rather keep my current version installed if possible, please.
I decided to jump into the fire so to speak about the latest AIS 2015 version and kept my fingers crossed that everything would install properly. All of the worrying was for nothing, as I successfully installed AIS 2015 with NO Issues at all on both of my computers. It took me less then 5 minutes per computer. It took me longer to disconnect one computer from my wired connection and hook up the other one to complete the installation on my other computer. I have checked every option available on the new version, shutting each of my two computers down and booting them back up, etc. Not a single hiccup at all.
In my honest opinion, I believe this version is the best Avast has developed and I really like it very much. Avast Developers has put out an Outstanding product.
I am sorry for the members who have and still have issues with AIS 2015. I wish I can help you with your issues. I was prepared to use another way, like I did when I had issues with the Safe Zone in my AIS 2014 and it did finally install properly. But, I had to totally remove everything that had Avast name on it in my computer, using an assortment of software tools I had and carefully removing registry keys in my registry. It took a lot of time and patience for me, but I got it installed with no more issues.
You may want to try that way, but that is your decision, as it may or may not work for you.
Thanks for your time and have a nice evening or day, wherever you live.