In order to discard old topics about this issue, and to collect new and useful information about the issue, please post to this topic. I have been searching about Avast Passwords extension for Microsoft Edge for awhile but all I could find was outdated, old threads.
Currently there is no support or extension for Avast Passwords in Microsoft Edge. [May 17, 2018] Date in “red” is updated from time to time. It shows the latest check date if the extension exists or not.
<<< For the Attention of Avast Team >>>
I believe this issue is highly searched, and expected to be solved as soon as possible among our Avast community. I think it’s a good idea to make this topic pinned so everyone knows where to follow information about this particular subject without being misleaded by outdated information. If you have any updates or new information about the subject please feed us here.
Note: If they can do it, you can do it better