latest update and sandboxie

Immediately after updating to 2014.9.0.2016 I could not open firefox 28 in sandboxie. Firefox would open normally. Opera would open normally or sandoxed. I ended up going back to a prior image I had to resolve the problem. I was wondering if any one else is having this problem?

Also, somewhat off topic, I am a little concerned about that notice that came with the update suggesting that it be read it carefully. Especially the part where it states that if you use the web reputation plugin, that all the sites you visit and your searches from all sources are sent to Avast.

If the WebRep function is active, the Avast software may send AVAST the URLs of all websites you want to visit and the results of your web searches through search engines.
They promise to remove all identifying info before giving it to third party sources, but this kind of gives me the creeps. I somehow thought that this info was collected and pooled anonymously.

Many people express concerns that Google chrome invades privacy too much, but this seems to be pretty much the same thing. This information, with personal identifiers included, would be very valuable to a lot of different sources, both private and governmental.

Maybe it’s just me, but we seem to be exposed more and more to various entities who collect sensitive personal information on us that a cold war intelligence group would be envious of, with the insurance that we have nothing to worry about - “trust us, we’ll protect it”. But we hear of serious and damaging breaches all the time from the most “protected sources”?

To those of you who have been around for awhile; this isn’t the same avast from years ago. The aggressive advertising for optional features, lack of presence in the forum or relationship with the user base, questionable marketing gimmics etc. is beginning to look more and more like a large American corporation interested solely in maximizing profit. (Maybe one starting with the letter S) .

Years ago if I posted that a popular software program was not working properly with Avast and it was not getting resolved, there would eventually have been a response from VLK, or one the the others, until it was resolved; as opposed to the ongoing head scratching and speculation you often see here now.

Okay end of rant, I admit - I liked the “little company that could” of years past much more than what we have now. The one where we used to welcome ex Norton users into the forum every day.

Hi, I had issues awhile back with firefox 27. Possibly this may have carried over to 28.Sandboxie has a beta version 4.09 that fixed my issue if you want to try it.

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

That did solve the problem - thanks for the information!