Hi, I’ve been using Avast! for about 4 days now. Working fine, usually says ‘5 providers running’ in the balloon window down by the clock.
Today I booted my pc, and a pop-up box says new virus update downloaded. The next time I happened to look, my avast icon had a red circle with a slash through it. Various clicks turned up these results:
The reason it doesn’t Exit is because of the email protection, if you totally stop avast and you try to use your email it won’t work.
The mail protection wizard changes certain settings in your email account details so your email can be scanned by avast before being viewed in your email program.
The wording in the right click menu could do with an update, this has been mentioned in several posts.
Austin: are you sure it was caused by the avast! update? I.e. didn’t you install or uninstall some other programs shortly before the reboot, or did some other changes to your system?
Is it possible to start the avast! Log Viewer? If yes, are there any relevant items there?
Is it possible to start the avast! Antivirus Control Panel applet (from Add/Remove programs) and select “Repair”?