Hello ALL! Somebody please tell me what size the latest update is for Avast! 4.6 Home Edition. I am on dial-up and currently show nearly 30 mb of various data recieved…mostly I think is from Avast! but right now impossible to tell because the opposing arrow update icon hasn’t shown itself.
Thanks much!
For which update do you speak? Program update or VPS update?
The last program update is around 2MB and the last VPS update(533-5) is around 10KB. You can be sure that those 30 MB traffic aren’t from Avast! .
The full program if you downloaded it from avast http://www.avast.com/eng/down_home.html is only 9.08 MB.
So if you are using the Update Program from within avast, which I find hard to believe as there haven’t been any program updates for some time. Can you confirm exactly how you are updating?
In either case update or full download it is much less than 30MB, however dial-up data received is not a good measure as if you have a poor connection some data is downloaded and there is a check to ensure that little bit (packet) is correct, if not it will be downloaded again. This could be what you are seeing.
How are you monitoring the band usage?
Look, WebShield scans all HTTP traffic… I suppose you’re not throwing over avast! all this traffic