Latest VB100 results - June 2007 - Avast! 100% (again)
At time of posting their servers seemed to be having difficulty coping and I’m not a paid subscriber so I haven’t seen the details.
Avast! wins again but some interesting “failures”, KAV and F-Secure, this time around. They probably “missed it by that much” as Maxwell Smart would say.

I can’t find any free info in their site… you have to subscribe in any way… not that good.
If avast took the prize, congratulations.

Sorry I didn’t mention it, you do have to register (free) but you don’t get any more info than, who submitted, passed and failed unless you pay.

Here’s an alternative discussion with info:

I’m not a paid subscriber but have previously registered so have access to the site, though limited.

I used to use the VGREP which you could enter a virus name and return aliases for it in other AVs, helpful to find links for general removal information and associated files, etc. However, I have found that there is considerable database lag, so any relatively new detections (a month or so) didn’t appear on the database.

It is nice to see another VB100 to add to the collection though, there are some surprising results from established AVs failing and some not so well known ones succeeding.

For those interested in the full results,
you can also see them here:

Thanks Bob… avast passed last 5 consecutive tests 8)

Yes … thanks, Bob! :slight_smile:

There were only a few others who also passed the last 5 tests.

I can remember a time when viewing the VB100 was easy … too many years ago now.