Suddenly avast is telling me the uninstall.exe of the longmang dictionary 5 for windows was infected i uninstalled it cleaned and then trying to install using the original cd and now suddenly again is telling me the setup.exe is also infected. Avast what is happening with your engine???
You can report a possible FP here:
you may add a link to this topic in case they reply
you can also use mail
send to in a password protected zip file
mail subject: false positive
zip password: infected
or you can send files from avast chest
how to use the chest.
you can also upload and test the file at and see if others detect it
No, im not working for avast for free, this issue is new i’ve been using avast and the same ldoce dictionary for years, if they don’t fix it im changing antivirus.
BTW the setup files is 600mb.
Maximum file size in virus total is: 64MB
Well if you want it fixed fast the easiest way is to send them the file and noted as a false positive, it’s got nothing to do with working for free! your helping them to help you and the rest of the community so do you want it fixed or not ?
BTW the setup file is 600mb.
Maximum file size in virus total is: 64MB
fixed? but it has always worked, avast unfixed it recently that’s another story lol. i can’t spend my time fixing what avast unfix.
Please just follow the instructions placed out by Pondus and report it to avast.
You found the time to post here and in that time you could have already reported it to avast.
Please i cant upload a 600mb file into virus total
Maximum file size in virus total is: 64MB
sure i can upload a 600mb file in 1 minute LOL
Just report it to avast as Pondus has explained and the file can also be sent from the chest if you follow the instructions
Don’t worry about VirusTotal as the file is obviously to large.
ok gonna try the chest this time, but its gonna take a lot of time to upload that.
If you use the report then you shouldn’t have to upload anything also include a link back to this topic in your report.
Of course i have to upload the file dude, check it again, im uploading right now using the form you mentioned ^
and nahh i cant upload anything the file is too big, gmail has 25Mb attachment limit and that avast form doesn’t support such a big files… .so…
you can report it without uploading the file also… and give link to this topic in case they reply
ok, im gonna do that, thanks.
no i cant.
The form cannot be sent
Please correct the information below and try again.
Please select a file
Only to report that finally everything is back to the normality…what a headache.
Without details, this is a totally meaningless post and helps no one.