Leave your hands off GChrome BETA for now!

Hi forum members,

GChrome BETA browser is a sieve security wise. During the passed three days these exploits have been found up.
These exploits were:

Inspect Element DoS Exploit

A HREF Denial of Service Exploit

(SaveAs) Remote BOF Exploit

(1583) Remote Silent Crash PoC

Automatic File Download Exploit

Malicious link DoS Vulnerability

The browser was launched too early, the browser was secretely developed (Firefox developed upon Netscape experience). The automatic updater will patch the holes in the near future, but Ukranian researchers say the browser as it is now is still rather insecure,


The browser was launched too early, the browser was secretely developed (Firefox developed upon Netscape experience). The automatic updater will patch the holes in the near future, but Ukranian researchers say the browser as it is now is still rather insecure
Thanks Polonus Guess i will use the Fox-my favorite anyways-until the Chrome is fixed somehow or somepoint in time ::) :o ;D


I’m running it at the moment (running under DMR) testing its functionality, it might be fast at loading pages but overall it is slower productivity wise than firefox.

Apart from all of those security issues its usability is way below firefox and it will shortly be history for me before tomorrows drive image back-up.

See i used the Google Chrome and see what happened ;D
How can i fix it Polonus :wink:

Well it is history now, just uninstalled it and to add insult to injury it pops-up a web page to fill in why you uninstalled it, I don’t mind that, but it opened bl***y IE and not my default browser firefox.

So I completed the form and left them with a flea in their ear with my comments, just a few it would have taken ages otherwise.

I hated the installation, it didn’t offer a custom location, dumping it in my Docs & Settings user folder, buried deep and it was almost 70MB installed size.

I wasn’t impressed by its functionality anyway. It starts up fast and does render pages quite fast, but thats pretty much it.
You can’t really do much with it in any way. Opera on the other hand is very secure and has everything built in. Firefox is very modular and from my point also very secure.

Uuuuuu, just checked and there is new update avaialble for Chrome…

Feel the same.

How do we get it?

Just open the About dialog… you’ll see the button there. But i assume i just cought it, it probably does that automatically otherwise. Try…

wonder what the update was for ::slight_smile: ??? :wink:

Well no update for me, it is history, even the uninstall (add remove programs) isn’t up to the task it left behind 39MB of files, 1 start-up entry googleupdate.exe and I think 23 registry entries.

So it will be a while before I give it another shot.

Hello Google Chrome testers,

This for starters:


Hey Polonus… you’re using K9 :wink:
Sorry the off-topic :-X

Interesting, I changed the search for Apple Safari and boy does that have some hits, so it seems chrome has inherited some of this with the safari element in chrome.

Do you use any other Google products ??? That would explain the remaining Google updater.

so it seems chrome has inherited some of this with the safari element in chrome.
Since it uses the same engine, that would make sense. :)

None, no gmail, nada, I only use the bog standard google search function.

But even if I did use another google product, it wouldn’t explain the 39MB of files left behind by the uninstall.

Hi bob3160 and DavidR,

DavidR can be right there, and I believe him, I have seen the range of files downloaded after a GChrome install, it is no small beer, folks!
With everything you download from Google apps you get another version of GoogleUpdater/ GoogleUpdate.exe, look in your task manager and see them run…
Do you have the Google toolbar, one Google Updater is yours, download GChrome another Google Updater installed, and they all have unique identification numbers, and moreover they run in the background consuming your cycles, GoogleChrome according to me is a self inflicted keylogger of sorts, and then if it comes with unpatched versions of parts (old Safari module), Google developers have to do some homework,
