Let us know how you feel with your nice combo of security application.
Let us know how you feel with your nice combo of security application.
The question, of course, is what’s the definition of “very” safe? Like probably the vast majority of users, my security utilities are set up for a reasonable balance between security and convenience. What I call safe might well be considered very safe by a non-savvy user (e.g., one who doesn’t frequent places like this), or so-so or even unsafe by an IT professional.
I don’t like polls but I do like some Polish people. ;D
I voted safe.
I am not very computer literate, but i do always try make sure all my security products are up to date. I use
Avast pro Active
Windows defender Active
malwarebytes antimalware On Demand
SuperAnti Spyware On Demand
Outpost Firewall free
I use CIS (Comodo Internet Security) on my machine and I know I am very safe. My ladyfriend is not computer savvy enough to use or understand a HIPS based system like Comodo so her machine has Avast! Home and the Windows Firewall. She’s not as secure but she never visits any bad sites and does know enough not to blindly open email attachments or mail from unknown senders. She’s only gotten infected once and that was from a download through Limewire which she no longer uses.
She's not as secure but she never visits any bad sites and does know enough not to blindly...She's probably fairly secure, but you don't have to visit "bad" sites (in the traditional sense, ie:porn) to get malware, just a site that's been hacked and had something put on it. There's been a big increase in these recently. Out of date hosting software etc. A forum search might give you more info about this issue, and how serious it is. It's one area where Avast is especially good, with the webshield detecting known malware before the site finishes loading. (Of course, if it's new unknown malware......)
Yes, that is one of the main reasons why I installed Avast! on her system, the web shield component. I’m quite impressed with the amount of protection offered by avast! I have even managed to set up a scheduled weekly quick scan with the Home version of avast! that works fine.
I choose “safe”, I installed Avast! with CIS free
You mean “SAFE”
I don’t think it’s necessary to use another AV with CIS but if it makes you more comfortable, then go for it.
i use avast free with outpost firewall free and malwarebytes free on demond and SAS free on deamond