Let your computer read it to you - SAM

Hi forum members,

Computer voice.
Activate "SAM"by clicking the “windows button”+ U.
The “windows button” as a rule can be found in between Ctrl and Alt keys.
Whenever you type, for instance in Internet-explorer, Sam will read it out for ye.
The accent is American English.

There is also this free program: http://www.cfs-technologies.com/home/?id=1.4
Speakonia from MS with a free online registration,
the program can save the wav. files as well.



Thank you, Polonus. I tried it for fun, but it might actually come in handy when I leave my glasses in another room. I just hope SAM doesn’t start calling me “Dave.” ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062622/plotsummary )

Would Be Kind-Of Scary Damian ;D
