Lexmark printing problems due to Avast

I recently installed Avast and ever since am unable to print using my Lexmark printer (I tried it both using wifi and with USB connection) - the printer had been working fine before so it must be avast causing the problem.

This is the error message I get:
“The files lxdncoms.exe and lxdnwbgw.exe from the printer driver have been blocked. Allow access for these files for your printer to work properly. If you do not know how to find your Access list, contact your antivirus/firewall vendor.”

I did a search and found other users also have had this problem but I could not find any solution online - any suggestions?

what avast version…free / pro / suite

what antivirus did you use before installing avast?
did you remove it before installing avast?
did you use the vendors removal tool to clear any leftover files that may conflict?
any other security programs installed…firewall?

I have the Free version

Previously I had Avira and downloaded a specific tool for complete removal

I have Windows Firewall running

BTW I am a United fan :slight_smile:

BTW I am a United fan
hmmm.....then it should have worked. ;D

if you right click avast tray icon and pause all shields…does it work then?

I disabled it and it still didn’t work - does that mean avast isn’t the problem?

that would be my guess… you can also try uninstalling avast to be 100% sure

you could try reinstalling the lexmark print program?

ok I will give it a try later - cheers for the help mate