Licence key missing

Have installed Avast 4.6 home ed on Win XP home ed sp 2.
Everything ok with the user it was installed on.
When logging into the other user the message with License key missing pop up at the
Copy the license key from the other user at the pc, but invalid license
Try to get new license for the other person, but still invalid license

Any solution…??

Do you have the system time/date set correctly?
How exactly did you “copy the license key”?

Do not use COPY/PASTE (CTRL+C and CTRL+V) method because most likely you are copying last “empty” space character as well. Of course in that case your licence key is not going to work.

Try typing one character at a time… slower but more efficient.

I guess that you write out license key from ‘About avast!..’ dialog.
There isn’t shown whole license key, ‘-’ and part after it is missing to prevent stealing of keys.

Obtain new key by registering on our registration form

I have the key from registration mail from Avast so that is not the problem

I have also typed in (not copy/past) with the key from the first user of the PC and the
new key for the last user , but still it would not work ???

** Both account have admin rights

Are you logged with the Administrator account? Or common user?

** Both account have admin rights

Still not work :cry:

And it won’t… it’s a bad idea use two accounts with Administrator rights…
avast! should be registered in the account with Administrator rights… but if there is two, I think it should be enough to do in only one…

I have tried it on another computer and it work good , so i have a bad PC or win xp system.

There have been occasions when using avast for multiple users that it asks for the registration key. Below is a suggestion that has resolved this issue in the past.

I think the best solution is to uninstall avast using the same account that you installed it with. Then reboot and log on as the administrator (not an account with admin privileges), this will require booting into safe mode and install the program (for use with all accounts) as the administrator and input the registration key. That should allow multiple users to use avast without having to enter a registration key. Reboot and log on as usual and see if this resolves the problem.

I doubt that the user will be able to install in Safe Mode.
Windows Installer won’t be available at that time.
The user will be able to register (add the key) but not install.
Maybe I’m wrong…

To boot at Administrator account it should be visible into Windows XP (Control Panel > Users accounts…)

I don’t use XP Home so I’m not 100% sure but I thought the only way to get to the administrator account in XP Home is via a safe mode boot, which shows the Administrator account and other user accounts.

If it is available via Control Panel, User Accounts, perhaps they can do it that way and install as the administrator. However, in XP Pro, following the method you suggest, I don’t see the Administrator account only all user accounts, Me and Guest account no Administrator.

Could the switch accounts, Start, Log Off, Switch User (requires fast user switching I believe, which I have disabled) so I not sure if that will enable them to log on as the administrator.

OK, Ill try all of the good solutions, i am comming back to all of you later next week

Run in the “run” or console:
“control userpasswords2”
or in console
“start control userpasswords2”
So you will be able to all users on you computer and what right thay have.

It can be also good idea to reinstall avast.

OT: Hint:To logon as administrator in Windows XP press CTRL+ALT+DEL on “family logon screen”, hold CTRL+ALT and press DEL again. Standard login window appears, there fill username:administrator, password: (blank in winxp rtm by default).

How to login as administrator: