Licence Key

I have just downloaded and installed Avast Home on my Laptop.My licence key has arrived via E Mail to my Desktop pc(i don’t use my Laptop for e mails) i have wrote the licence number on a piece of paper and typed it into the licence no box in Avast,but it keeps telling me it is a Invalid Number,but it is exactly has sent in the e mail.Any idea how i can get this to work.Thank You.Cumbrian

Please take a look here:
Can’t you save the email in a floppy or USB drive and use copy & paste method to enter it into avast! (watch the instructional video). Be sure to do not include the ‘last blank space’ in the paragraph while copying & pasting.
You have to be logged in Windows with administrators rights (to enter they key). Also, check if your system date is set correctly. The license key is valid for one year, so if you changed the system date to a value when the key is expired, it becomes invalid. In that case, set the system date correctly and enter the same license key again.

Tech thank you i managed to save the E Mail on my USB drive.i saved it has a Text document saved it to my laptop then copied and pasted from there.and it worked i am now up and running.Thanks Cumbrian

You’re welcome. Feel free to come back and ask for help if you need :slight_smile: