licence number

Hi All,

I re-installed avast because the firewall would not turn on. My licence number was resent but the interface does not accept pasted copy, plus there was not licence attachment in the email…???

Oh Boy, is this in the wrong forum…?

Even Avast are reluctant to respond…?

Have you checked FAQ section? > support > FAQ did that help?

How did you get your license resent ?
e.g. was it from this location - Resend avast License, you will need to enter the email that you used when purchasing the license, e.g. the one that the original email with the link was sent.

Where were you trying to enter this - there are two entry points ‘Insert activation code’ and ‘Insert License File’ ?
The latter won’t accept manual entry of the license as that is expecting you to point to the license.avastlic license file (do you not have a copy of that license file saved).

Thanks for your reply.

The licence number was resent in an email from this link…

It said The licence number was printed in the email but not in the attachments, so I copied and pasted into ‘‘insert licence number’’…which did not work.

I found many files in my computer containing the license file, but each one was not valid…

I think I am supposed to receive the licence number as a file I can save to my computer, I am sure that was not included in the email with resent licence number…

You say that the “insert licence number did not work,” why ?
As I mentioned in my last post, I believe this should be looking for where you saved the license.avastlic ‘file’ and wouldn’t work. It opens up a small windows explorer like window to navigate to where the license.avastlic file was saved.

So the option to try entering the license number would be the ‘Insert activation code.’ Since I use the avast free version I can’t speak from experience, you might want to check out this F.A.Q. and scroll down to the “Alternative method for inserting the license file into avast! Internet Security 2014” section.

I have just received another ‘licence resent’’ email…

‘’ Your license file is attached to this email. Please save the license file to a
secure folder on your hard drive’’

where is it supposed to be? I thought it should be in the attachment part of the email?

‘‘If you did not receive the attachment, please make sure that your e-mail client and
Internet provider allows you to receive attachments and then request your license

I am sure it allows me to receive attachments, I do receive them for my work.

‘’ If you have installed avast antivirus on your computer, you only need to
double-click on your license file to insert it in the program’’

So I don’t see anywhere to double click. I have avast on my computer…

‘‘Alternatively, open the avast! Interface and click on the Maintenance tab’’

Can’t find Maintenance tab.

And it goes on…

This is the only place I see The licence number…

AVAST Software License File: *********


Thank you for your purchase/trial of AVAST Software products.

Thanks for your help…I have spent hours and hours trying to work this out and communicate with avast.

Should you have any questions about this file,

please write to

You don’t say what email program you are using, so I can’t say how ou go about saving an attachment to the hard drive.

I use Thunderbird and I select the email with the attachment, then from the tbird menu select Message tab > Attachments and there are many options there.

Almost 2:30am here and that is me for the night.

The following was written for the Premier version however, the registration part is exactly the same.
Let us know if this takes care of your problem. :slight_smile: