License for a collectivity/administration - Licence pour une collectivité

Je fais partie d’une collectivité équipée en informatique.
Son foyer de personnes âgées dispose de 2 ordinateurs en libre services.
Étant par définition une administration à but non lucrative, je voulais savoir s’il était obligatoire d’utiliser une licence professionnelle pour cet usage ?
D’avance merci pour vos réponses.

I belong to a community equipped computer.
His elderly home has 2 computers for free services.
Because by definition it’s a nonprofit administration, I wanted to know if it was mandatory to use a license for that purpose?
Thank you in advance for your answers.

Référent informatique pour la ville

Well… it should be an English-only forum…
Could you please, go to an automated translation service, copy & paste your text and get, at least, an automated translation of your writings?

Welcome to the forum.
If the computers in question are totally free to use then in my interpretation,
you should be able to use the avast! home version on them.

I do the same thing on a computer set up at our community center which is also freely
(not for profit) used by many.