license key invalid?

Hi guys

first of all thankx for the nice tool…keep on rockin!

I’m using Avast 4 Home Edition on WinXP and recently encountered the folowing problem:
I get an error message “the license key for this product is invalid or expired” in attempting to update the virus database.

Of course, I did register on the homepage and I got the license key via email (and it worked for the last 4 weeks with this key). I registered again under the same name, got the same key which didn’t help much.

How to proceed? I really like avast and will stick to it but it needs to be updated, e.g. the problem needs to be solved.

thanks for advice


Hej guys

me again…found it!
My data was set to the year 2165 (don’t ask me why, I have no idea), therefor the license key was expired, of course.

Thanks anyway, for wasting time with stupids like me.


Welcome to the forums, Rosa! :slight_smile:

No, you are not stupid. Wierd things like this happen to all of us. Glad you found the problem and fixed it! :smiley:

A virus (trojan) did that…
Did you perform a full scanning (throughout) with avast? :wink: