I buyed on March 27th 2010 5 licenses for Avast Internet security (1 year subscription), but on April 16th it’s stop downloading updates and now Avast tell me that I’ve to buy new license. If I try to insert my regular License.avastlic, Avast refuse it with message: this is not a license file valid.
Does this happen on all 5 computers or only one ?
If only one, check the computer time / day / date / mnd / year …if wrong adjust and restart, …i am guessing time can`t be wrong on all 5 ???
If the suggestion by Pondus doesn’t help, try checking out this as I don’t know how you are trying to insert the license.avastlic file.
Though this is related to the Pro version I guess it would be the same for the Avast Internet Security suite - How to register avast 5 pro on page 7 - 8
http://www.avast.com/documentation/quick-start-guide-pro-en-ww.pdf also see http://support.avast.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=459.
If that doesn’t resolve it contact sales (at) avast (dot) com by email and give the information in your post, plus the email used when you purchased the licenses.
Thank you everyone:
Pondus, time and date are ok.
DavidR, both links are removed.
Any other ideas?
Hmmm? Both links work fine here. ???
Well the .pdf link doesn’t work for some reason that is a 404 error, though the knowledgebase link works, that should give the information about registration.
Check out this link for the documentation, http://www.avast.com/download-documentation.
i am getting a 404 error on the pdf link …