License questions

I’m using AIS and yesterday I got a popup saying that my current license would soon expire, offering me a discounted renewal. I took the offer but after purchase I clicked “Activate” which I shouldn’t have done I guess, as this seems to have disabled my old license (still almost a month left) and replacing it with the new one (see screenshot). I had expected that it would just automatically extend the current license with another two years, when the old one expired. Any way to undo this so I can use the rest of the old license?

Also, it’s a 3 PC license, will the license for the other PCs also have been activated now or will the 2 year license period first start for these when I enter the license code on these machines? (Orders and Renewals)

OK, found this:

“When you renew an Avast software subscription before your current subscription expires, the new subscription period automatically includes the amount of time remaining on your previous subscription. If our system fails to connect the renewal request properly, contact Avast Support so that we can extend your subscription manually.”

I assume it has failed then since the new one says it expires in exactly two years, so will contact support.

Thanks for your quick reply! :slight_smile:

You’re welcome. :slight_smile: