License renewal not working

Twice in the last two days I’ve been asked to renew my license for Avast free and have clicked to do so but my license info still says I have only 11 days remaining to renew. It has been installed on my Win 7 64bit system for many years and has always successfully updated in the past.

I have a similar problem:
After performing a clean install of Avast Free Antivirus (using the offline installer), I see this under ‘My licenses’ (even though AvastUI.exe has internet access):

Licences on this PC: You don't have any licenses. How about getting one?
So, how do I get a one-year free license?

If it were that simple, I wouldn’t have asked.
After pressing the ‘Upgrade now’ button, the Free version isn’t available!

Yeah, doesn’t help me either. Twice I’ve clicked the “free version” icon when requested, the window closed but it had no effect on my old, soon to expire license. Now when I manually try as per the instructions above the icon isn’t even clickable.

Aaand now I’ve just been shown the new license window again for the third time in 3 days. Clicked the right spots and still no license update only offers to buy the paid version after clicking the free version option even though Avast thanks me for activating the free antivirus program.

None of you want to click the Upgrade icon as that just leads to a purchase and does nothing to renew avast free.

I hate this window as there is no button for ‘No Thanks’ so just use the X top right of the window to close it.

@ harvey21#What avast version number do you have ?
I have Avast Free 19.3.2369 (I have yet to update to avast 19.4, just released) on my win10 laptop. If you right click on the avast tray icon and select Registration Information it should show your avast registration and how long you have left. Mine is still Valid with 22 days left, I have yet to be reminded if it needs validated again, on the right is a big UPGRADE NOW. Don’t use that as it will just lead to a payment process.

When to date has expired this screen should change to allow free registration update.

EDIT: added image.

This is indeed what has been reported on the forum several times: wait for the expiration quietly, you are (and you will always be) protected until “D” day.
The link number 3 (Click Select in the Avast Free Antivirus column.) is unfortunately not always displayed even after repair (according to other reports), maybe to encourage the user to switch to a paid version :-
Or, if it’s really too scary, a clean installation should reset the countdown (no more registration history , so …) , I think.

@ DavidR

I have the latest version. Of the three times I’ve been reminded to update to the latest version I only clicked on the UPGRADE NOW button once… otherwise I just X’d it closed so that isn’t the issue.

@ chris…

I’m prepared to wait somewhat patiently but not forever :slight_smile:

@ everyone… thanks for your help.

You’re welcome,

On my last renewal notice I got which was about 12 days or so out I was able to renew fairly soon after that. But that on the win10 system was almost a year ago and obviously an earlier avast version.

Even if it does expire you are still protected and if you haven’t renewed 10 days after the expiry it should auto renew. Considering registration is meant to be a thing of the past, I don’t understand why this is so damn complex.

Why the hell they don’t just go ahead auto renew at the end of the time, if you haven’t already renewed and you are still using the free program and it is a current version.

My winXP system was a fairly recent renewal Feb 2019 and that was simple I was able to renew after my first notification. But that will have still been Avast 18.2.xxxx as XP/Vista are unsupported after avast 18.8.xxxx. license info still says I have only [b]11 days remaining[/b] to renew.
not forever , just wait in first time your license realy expires , or some more days as said by DavidR Just understand that you will be protected

I will look into it, but don’t worry on Free AV we protect you always, nevertheless what is the “license” status…

Harvey can you please post a screenshot where you clicked?

Harvey can you please post a screenshot where you clicked?

It’s not clickable at the moment… only when it pops up (daily) warning me that the license is about to expire.

Hi, have exactly the same problem… but now Avast will loose me as a supporter… my friends are having problems and are leaving Avast as they find it has too many problems and the sales are aggressive.

So get the licence renewal fixed or you loose both customers and reputation…

Good luck

Thanks for the screenshot. We will fix it asap. It seems like you got a wrong screen.

I believe that I’m getting the wrong screen as well. Will this be fixed for everyone or do you have to do it individually?

for everyone. you got the screen automatically? without clicking anywhere in Avast UI?

This explains the process:

I also paid the licence for additional $25 to upgrade to Internet security. but no email and no where to download. Try to check for email to ask Avast. cannot find. Super frustrating!!!