License Renewal

Ok so its renewal time and I am not seeing an option anywhere to renew my license? Where can I find this?

Do I have to purchase a brand new license again for this year at full price? If so thats rediculous and I guess we will be going back to Trend.

You do get a 30% renewal discount. For ADNM contact your local Avast Reseller which you can find at:

So for a renewal I will have to contact someone other than avast and deal with them getting me a license?

I am running a 33 user License and have 4 servers.

Can I really not just pay avast to update my license?

They usually refer businesses to their local resellers, you should be able to purchase through the website but I can not say for sure if it will apply the discount. As long as you have your Avast Customer number any reseller can give you the correct dicount.