License Renewal

Received a warning today that my license expires in 13 days (4/2/2012). On the renewal notice it says: “Pro-rated: You won’t lose any minute of your existing license if you renew today.” So I renewed it for two years thinking it would extend my subscription until 4/2/2014. Instead, the renewed subscription says it’s only good through 3/20/2014, so I was cheated out of 13 days of coverage by renewing before the expiration date. Has anyone else noticed the same thing?

In general, I’ve been very pleased with Avast! because it doesn’t bog down my system like other AV programs, but this license thing annoys me.

Don’t panic, it can be easily resolved, contact sales(at)avast(dot)com with the information and it will be corrected.

Did you renew through the avastUI, Maintenance, License/Registration section as that should link to your existing license expiry date ?