Hi… within ‘My Devices’ of my Avast account for my ‘Tablet’ it gives an attention msg saying ‘your license is inactive?’ & the license status showing N/A? Everything seems up to date. Could you pls tell me how I could correct this pls? Also my smartphone doesn’t show up in ‘My Devices’? I have linked it to my Avast account though? Appreciate any help
Hi tried reconnecting the tablet & it still gives an attention msg saying ‘your license is inactive?’ Also my smartphone still doesn’t show up in ‘My Devices’? either. Both devices seem secure though. Thank you for your reply.
Hi again…clicking on the link you sent from my tablet does show the license as valid, seems to be from my laptop or desk top where it shows an attention msg saying 'your license is inactive?’ Also my smartphone still doesn’t show up in ‘My Devices’?
As far as I understand you can see your android device as connected with valid license on my.avast.com, but you can not see the same on your desktop avast installation in “My devices” section, true?