I realize that Avast 4 Home is free for home non profit use but I was wondering if it could be used by a government registered non-profit organization. We have approximately fifty machines at several locations
across the city for use by individuals who are unemployed, in low income, or disabled to carry out job searches, homework, research, e-mail and such. All this, plus training in various programs like word, e-mail, internet is provided free of charge. We do however need anti virus software in a very bad way but because of our non-profit status relying entirely on donations and grants the cost is not within our budget. Your free version would certainly provide the protection we need. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
I realize that Avast 4 Home is free for home non profit use but I was wondering if it could be used by a government registered non-profit organization.No, it can't. By definition, it can be used only on HOME [b]and[/b] NON-COMMERCIAL computers. Sorry, but we also need to have some income to do all this work - and believe me it is quite hard job nowadays ;).
On the other side I understand your problem. I can recommend you the only thing - please contact sales@avast.com and try to get some quite reasonable price!
Thanks for the info. I will be contacting them.