lis of files which must not be scaned modified for virus

I have a doubt about abast antivirus. maybe somebody here can help me :). here goes my question:

Why in standard protection (when hay click y de icon of avasta antivirus) in properties, in advances properties, the list of files which must not be scaned is not empty?

for example;


these files are very important to scan, aren´t they?

I have not writen thise files in the list. What happend?

Is it possible that a virus have done this list?

all help would be wellcome.

Thanks in advance and very sorri for my english.

I’ve noticed that reports from other anti-virus programs say that they could not scan those files because they are locked/in use. But I do agree it seems strange to not scan system files.

Do not worry about these files… virus cannot make anything with them and from them… They are swap (temporary) files in constant changing. Scanning them can freeze the computer. Actually, sometime ago I tried this in XP and the computer freezed… GoBack saved my computer. Thanks God! :smiley:

No, these are the default avast configuration.
Let them like this. Do not change the settings if you are not sure.
If you want more security, try the ‘High’ sensitivity of the scanner.
Hope my experience help you to feel secure ;D