Little Avast! Question

Hello all,

I have a tiny question concerning Avast!,…

Yesterday when I wanted to shutdown my computer Avast! asked if I wanted to remove external storage media because it is unsafe for virusinfections,…

I had been working that evening with my “external firewire backup HD”
Another device, a Canon Flashcard, is permanently connected witch a external microdrive reader.
I use this one for very small backups,…

That flashcard is connected for about a half year now,…without problems.

Now,…the question: is there a way to disable this warning that avast! gives me? or do you guys recommend me to remove all external media before shutdown?

my os: Windows XP Pro SP2

thank you

I never disconnect USB devices before shutdown. Maybe firewire works different.
But, did you check for avast! warning when a floppy or CD or ZIP drive are on their drive before shutdown?
It is on the ‘Common’ tab of settings.

Read the manual.
It is in Avast’s options/settings.

i found it in the Avast Antivirus Settings,… after a little search

However,…I do find that Avasts way of enabling and disabling settings is a bit strange,…
Why are there 2 contolpanels involved,…anyway?,…it is a bit confusing,…and I think many people are,…

I perfectly understand people should read the manual,…but,…please keep in mind that not everybody has the time or the energy to memorize every single thing about Avast! AV,…

I perfectly understand people should read the manual,...but,..please keep in mind that not everybody has the time or the energy to memorize every single thing about Avast! AV,...
That is why there is a manual ;) You can always look it up again if you forgot
I perfectly understand people should read the manual,...but,..please keep in mind that not everybody has the time or the energy to memorize every single thing about Avast! AV,...
Please keep in mind that those who help may no have the time or the energy to memorize everything about avast! they too have to refer to the manual to find an answer for you.

So it is easy to put the shoe on the other foot, why should people waste their time to provide an answer if you aren’t prepared to take the time to help yourself?

Why bother with a support forum? I thought that was one of the reasons for having one? I’m sure everyone knows that the answer is in the manual somewhere but,
not every one can put their finger on everything at the precise moment that they need it.

Bob, I’m well aware that you know exactly why I made the comment I did.
If someone is not prepared to take the time to look something up to help themselves why should someone else take the time to do it for them.

It is not a case of not being able to put their finger on it rather not taking the time to even look.

The easy answer is to simply ignore the person if he/she isn’t worth an answer. :slight_smile: It leaves a much better impression than
posting a harsh answer. IMHO

Eddy and David, I don’t want to start an argumentation… but I agree with Bob.
If is just to say the user: “Oh, read the help files, everything is there”, it’s better not posting.
It does not help, leaves a bitter impression of the forum. The user feels stupid…
After some answers, no problem, post: “Ok, this is answered in the help files, could you please take a look there?”.

If we won’t help, it’s better to stay away from forum login 8)
I won’t throw the first stone: sometimes I do the same, I’m tired, so I apologize 8)

If I may chime in on this issue, I am just a curious user not experienced programmer nor skip-kiddy or any other cute named hacker. In searching for some answers you need to know the correct questions. It seems just about any search conducted for the solution of a problem needs specific words to find the right answer. Google and Yahoo! seem to have it nailed very good, as you type a drop down list of suggested wordings to select from or you can just continue to type and word you own search group. Yes, you need to always use the double quotes (“”) around what you have used for your search or you may get the entire internet to read for your answers.

Maybe a suggestion will do here or maybe help us a little? In the search page give some suggestions as to what to look for, Forum Login difficulties, only using the first two words; for the manual, and I have not read it yet myself nor even looked at it as I am a user that just rushes through the settings and pick and choose, this may even be in there. List of categories of areas that you most frequently get asked in the forum. This could also be done for the forum search, like a drop down list of words to select from.

I recommend that you don’t start Windows with an external device attached, as it may increase the chance of infection if that device is infected. I believe you don’t have to remove anything when shutting down.

I don’t say much but am always wathing. I assume there are professionals moderating this forum which by the way is a great forum and I watch alot. But I will say Tech’s comments sound level headed and logical. Thanks

People were feeling a tad unhelpful on this one, I think the poor guy was asking for help and advice…isn’t that the core purpose of this forum?