I had a warning of being low in disk space. I downloaded
Folder Sizes v4.0.0.1 which allows you to check all the
programs and folders in your disk.
I found this folder D:\ProgramFiles\iWinGames
I want to know if everything I see in this location belongs to
For example I see ftdownload.dat and host.cfg .
Can I delete all that I see in D:\ProgramFiles\iWinGames if I want to free my computer from all that has to do with iWinGames ?
Move the folder to another one (or rename it).
Check if any file is in use, if your computer works ok, etc.
First do not harm… better safe than sorry.
If after some time everything is ok, you can delete the folder.
By the way, I suppose that there is not an entry for these programs into Control Panel > Add/Remove programs. If there is one, better use it before deleting manually anything.
Hi Tech:
Again I love that green rain.
Remember that all the programs in my add/remove page
disappeared. I deleted the game icon from the desktop but I couldn’t delete the file since it sent me to add/remove and there’s no old programs visible there. So I’m glad I found this software that shows me where the programs are.
I want to free space in my disk. How do I move the files out of the disk ( if that can be done) ?
The link I got the program is this one.
You can check it if you like and tell me how I can use it to free space from the disk. Cause I know there must be a lot of things I don’t need occupying space.
Thanks a lot
Is there any uninstaller
tool into that folder? Try it first…
No… there isnt such an option, you need to have another disk (or partition) in this computer. Don
t you have an USB drive to move the files to?
Take a look at this. This the D Drive “arsenal”. You can see iWin folder at the left and In the box to the right all what is left in that folder. I deleted like three things before you answer my post. I haven’t noticed any change in the computer yet except that is a little faster now.
Do you think that installer belongs to iWinGame?
I clcked on the installer and then properties and it belongs to iWinGames file.
Can I delete it?
I don’t know iWinGames… I can’t help that much. Just take care of what you’re deleting from your computer.
What is really strange is that you can’t see any program list into Control Panel > Add/Remove programs… is it truth?
Yes it’s true. This is the computer that was almost destroyed by a-square .
Remember I had a blue screen? My son took it home and brought it back
with some of the icons back in the desktop. I had to get a new ID number from Windows ( I don’t know how to say that). Well the thing is that the add/remove page from Control Panel came in blank. Only the new programs I have downloaded are there.
But I knew the old programs must’ve been somewhere since I tried to find them going to “search”. From search I found some of the programs I was looking for but when I tried to delete them from there I got the box sending me to add/remove programs page which of course was empty.
Others I clicked delete and it said it couldn’t be read or the file didn’t exist.
Now by chance trying to get more space from my D drive I downloaded this software and i see that most of the old programs if not all are in there.
iWinGames is a website where I bought a game called “Virtual villagers”.
I downloaded the game and had the icon on the desktop and everytime I opened the game I got this page with new free trials to try.
The thing is that when my son brought my computer back the Virtual Villagers icon was in the desktop but it couldn’t be open. So I deleted the icon but I couldn’t unistall the software.
But now I see it exists in the D drive.
I don’t want to reinstall it since I have little disk space.
:-[ I’m sorry Tech, I forgot to include the screenshot. Go back and see the screenshot from the “Foldersizes” program.
I can’t believe… I’ve suffered twice with a-squared… I just use it now as a third opinion… too many false positives, no reliable go back features (you can lose your registry) and bad quarantine encryption…
Did you consider reformating and starting again?
I suggest you make a backup of Windows Registry as an ordinary backup routine… Try ERUNT (http://www.larshederer.homepage.t-online.de/erunt/).
Seems that you can delete all the files…
But really, if your computer has a damaged registry, consider reformating and start again…