I downloaded and installed AVAST for linux.
I downloaded .deb file because i iuse Ubuntu, then i installed the program, and surprise no icons on Aplications>>Accessories(i don’t know if they are the english correct words, i’m not english user).
Well i found a solution and i found that opening console and typing this:
cd /usr/lib/avast4workstation/share/avast/desktop
sudo ./install-desktop-entries.sh install
then, icons appeared in Aplications>>Accessories.(see picture)
I think, you can correct this issue. I'am using Ununtu 8.04(Hardy)
Hallo, this script is for those who need those items. But, there are also other distributions/configurations which use different window managers, or also different users who don’t want to have their menus modified. thus, we do automatically what is necessary for the application to install/run, but those optional add-on steps are up on the user.
Ok, i understant the situation, but i don’t agree. If you see, when you install a program from repositories, all programs put icons in aplications, because if you are a newbie, you can’t run the program, i met a lot of people installed AVAST and uninstalled because they don’t found the icons to run(well, in the beggining i did it ;)) and installed CLAM because there are icons to run it. If you don’t like icons you can delete them, but , i repeat, if you are a newbi you don’t know those scritps and is very difficult to run a program. If Ubuntu is the distro with more users is because is quite easy install and run a program, not only for “techies”. You install from .deb file and then you search the icon and then, you can run the program. I think an icon i8n aplications isn’t a crime, and if you don’t like it, you can delete it.
Then , we can say, AVAST AV for Linux, isn’t for newbies
Thank you very much for the answer.
I wish the same, i.e., that avast automatically add the menu entries. The user could even know how to configure the menu and delete the entry. It’s more difficult to add the entry.
well, you know that a lot of Linux users have got a lot of problems with console and scripts.
Is your decision.
(if you install AVG free for Linux, no problems with icons
Thanks a lot for your attention.
best regards