Hi, my avast version is 10.0.2206.
I have one problem which is not exist former version(9.0.2021).
I’m using ‘site blocking’ for AD banner blocking.
but, loading of Web site used AD banner is delayed when Checking ‘site blocking’.
when unchecking ‘site blocking’, loading delay is gone, but AD banner which I hate have to apear…
Do other users have this problem?
Check for this problem, if there is, please solve that.
because my writing skill is not good, I don’t know whether this means passing well…
can you post (or send me in IM) the list of sites you are blocking (C:\ProgramData\Avast Software\Avast\WebShield.ini will be enough) and then the sites you are visiting. I’ll try it here, if we also see any delays.
for example, ‘www.naver.com’ is delayed, blocked keyword is ‘http://nv*.naver.com/'.
content at the bottom is show late, and loading sign of browser is appear for about 10 seconds.
other delayed site is ‘www.daum.net’. blocked keyword is '.ad.daum.net/*’
likewise, loading sign of browser is for about 10 seconds.
directly access on blocked keyword , same phenomenon.
I think my list is so a lot that web site having keyword blocked is delayed, but only one keyword(e.g nv*.naver.com) is leave, delay is same.
I don’t know whether my answer is sufficient for your testing.
I can confirm this problem.For example with iobit.com.
While waiting for blocked site to load I can see in status bar - Transferring data from avast.com.
If I disable site blocking,site is loading instantly.
Seeing the list of URLs in the avast site blocking, there are many with the * wildcard at the start of the URL (no http://, etc.)
This in itself could cause some slowing as everything would initially be a match until further input.
Personally I don’t feel that the site blocking was designed as a mass blocking tool, given that you have to enter one at a time, with no import or export of URLs (short of saving the webshield.ini file, and editing it, etc.).
There are many tools that do a better job and are easier to manage, Hosts file managers - link the link given by NoelC for a start - many firewalls are better at managing this type of blocking.