I installed the root version of AVAST Theft aware. I was testing it by issuing a LOCATE command. The command is received successfully, but no location data is returned. Can you pleas help me troubleshoot this?
I installed the root version of AVAST Theft aware. I was testing it by issuing a LOCATE command. The command is received successfully, but no location data is returned. Can you pleas help me troubleshoot this?
hi do you get the confirmation message?
I’m new to android, but not to theft-aware, and my question is:
I’ve installed avast theft aware on my Galaxy S2, the test message works, location message works,
but none of the remote SMS commands do…
Maybe I’ve done something wrong I don’t know…
Whenever I’m sending a remote command - format as 2222 COMMAND,
The phone display the SMS instead of executing the command. I’m a bit confused - As mentioned, I’m NEW to Android…
The device is rooted and device admin enabled.
Thanks ahead
Sorry if I’m being silly, but you need to change 2222 with your own avast password and COMMAND with the real command.
The fact of being rooted and the device admin on does not change the situation.
Avast SMS commands list: http://www.avast.com/en-us/free-mobile-security#tab4
Did you enabled antitheft itself? I mean antitheft>Basic settings>Enable Anti-theft.
I can confirm this problem. I am also using theft-aware on my Nexus S. This version works without any issues.
On my Samsung Galaxy S+ (I9001) I installed the new avast anti-theft version and the locate command does not work. Anti-theft is of course enabled and the confirmation SMS is sent back. The 2nd SMS with the location never arrives. Other functions like call back work. So this is an issue with accessing the GPS or cell location infos.
Remark: The phone does not have 2G/3G data enabled it only has WLAN access.
Best regards
please try again with official update being released today or tomorrow.
Hello all.
First: Thanks for the help .
I’ve figured it out:
The app IS working, except, when I’ve tried the “nnnn LOCK” command, I’ve got a replay like “…unknown command…” BUT, when I’ve tried the “nnnn LOST” command, it was working as expected.
So, Again Thanks for the help, and thanks for a GREAT application…
'been using it for quite a while (from my NOKIA phone)
I’ve the same problem, the command Locate not work,
the settings are OK and also the system version is 1.0.1960
Thank you
please send me an email to holzner (at) avast.com so that we can look at the problem by debugging.
I’m new to the forum and to Avast mobile (But I’m a Avast PC happy user). I’m also having problems getting the locate function to work. It just doesn’t give me any reply back. Well I do get the confirmation message about the Locate command being issued but that is it. Nothing else.
I’m with latest version as well.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
please, as i said email me.
To update that now is working! In my case it needed “Split SMS” option to be enable under Advanced Settings → CDMA and I started to get the messages!
Thanks to reinhardholzner for all the help!
Two phones, droid Razr Maxx and HTC Thunderbolt. Locate was working but the SMS message was not hidden, I was advised in this forum to delete Handsent and re-install. Did that and now the Locate Command doesn’t work on either phone???
do other commands work?
i can confirm that Locate command is still not working. I’ve installed root version of avast and set it as admin in my rooted HTC ONE X. when i try to use locate command from my.avast.com website, i get command timeout error.
HI. I can give help to locate my lost cell. thanks
I did the installation of avast anti-theft on my android version 2.3.4 following the User manual in pdf and realized all the settings, but when I do log into the web site my.avast.com the locate command does not work even though with wifi and GPS enabled. What i need to do?
Note. My phone (Sony Xperia Mini Pro sk17a) is not rooted because my firmware 2.0.2.A.0.62 not allow root yet.
what do you mean by “does not work” please describe more clearly.
Hello again,
So,after make my login in my account on avast website to use the locate command, the command does not work,The tool locate only search but gives no answer, even with my gps and wifi turned on my phone was not found.
I apologize for my bad English, :-\