I installed the most recent beta on my VZW Thunderbolt, and logged into the web portal. It seems like it can read my phone (various phone details appear in the portal), but when I try to locate it via web, I keep getting timeout errors. I’ve manually turned on GPS, so that shouldn’t be the issue. Any thoughts? Thanks.
nevermind, seems to be working fine now
sometimes the messages take longer through google cloud. we cant change that, unfortunately.
I too have issues with the web interface - I can issue NONE of the commands successfully - they all time out.
I can issue ALL commands successfully via SMS. No issues whatsoever.
Could it be I have done something wrong, or is something missing from my web interface settings for my devices?
Telus HTC Desire (Full ROOT, Android 4.0.4 with Sense 3.6) & Stock Nexus 7 (No ROOT)
Odd. I disabled web shield, then re enabled.
Works fine now.
Im using “avast! Free Mobile Security” and “avast! Anti-Theft” on my Motorola XT626.
I can´t use any of the commands from the site panel. It keeps timing out, all of them.
What should I do?
Did you do a connection check (Anti-Theft account settings) what does it say?