I am using Avast Free version 12.
I can’t find the virus chest in the GUI. Please advise me of how to find it. Thanks
Thank you.
By far the quickest option is to right click on the avast tray icon and select Virus Chest.
Thanks, David–I never noticed that was there.
You’re welcome.
We have been pushing for more beneficial shortcuts in that menu, to avoid having to dig down in the UI to find that option.
People keep proving my point and some just wouldn’t listen about the GUI design choices…
It’s true… currently the virus chest is very hard to locate if you’ve never seen it before.
This thread is a perfect example.
Thats why there is something called FAQ section, that no one seems to use
This also does the trick:
Or simply place Virus Chest in location where it makes sense and you don’t have to write FAQ’s and help files and other nonsense for people to find it…