Log Off

Why in the world don’t the website have a “Log Off” function?

It does
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Log Off
on the top left hand side

Which site? Forum screenshot 1. My avast (account) screenshot 2. :slight_smile:

Nope, the logoff button don’t show up as seen here:

EDIT: After posting this the loggoff button showed up. Don’t know why it hasn’t ever shown up before, especially after all the surfing I’ve done on these forums…

your pic show the log in button…this does not show when logged in…
but the logg out button does, but does not show if you are not logged in… so where you logged in ?

Your image overall and the Menu bar are somewhat strange.

Whilst the Menu bar essentially says you aren’t logged in and it doesn’t have the other options Search, Profile and My Messages. That is why it also have the Register option along with Login.

But then on the other hand the information at the top of the page I would normally only expect to see if you were logged in, e.g. the User Name, the ‘Show unread posts since last visit.’ and the ‘Show new replies to your posts.’ options.

So it looks somewhat corrupted - what happens if you actually click the login button, or click the ’
Show unread posts since last visit.’ option when the screen is as it is in your image ?