Log Screensaver di AVAST

Ogni tanto lo screensaver di Avast (Free, v11.2.2262 - Windows 8.1) segnala qualcosa in “rosso”, ma non fa vedere (vecchie versioni lo facevano) quali file sono sospetti.
Esiste un LOG dove poter leggere che cosa ha insospettito lo screensaver

Grazie - Marco190

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Sorry for the opening in Italian and for my bad English :-\

Every time the screensaver of Avast (Free, v11.2.2262 - Windows 8.1) indicates something “red”, but does not show (older versions they did) what files are suspect.
Is there a LOG where to read what was suspicious screensaver?

Thanks - Marco190


Thanks! Found the LOG files! But I did not understand what is among the many the screensaver log file … :-[

Ciao - Marco190