I am all new to this and do not know much about the computer and this sort of thing.
I have just checked this and there are lots of signs of a Trojan, JS:redirector B , WIN 32 what do I do with them. I cant seem to copy and paste them to tell you what they are. Do I just delete them? Everything else seems all okay. The redirector one I was getting the warnings but it was still going onto the new page on the web.
Using Mozilla
Scheduling the Boot Time Scan How do I do that?
Click on the Menu button.Where is this I cant find t any where :-[ Thanks heaps
Choose Schedule Boot Time Scan.
Doing so displays a dialog allowing you to schedule virus scanning.
Check Archives, if you want scan all the archives.
Specify whether all the disks or just a specific folder should be scanned.
Select Advanced options for scheduling details.
Select how to automatically process infected files (suggestion: send to Chest)
Choose how to automatically process infected system files (suggestion: ignore/do nothing)
Click the Schedule button to confirm the settings.
The skin is the Simple User Interface, is the program window, the interface, the window that appears on the screen, the program itself like now you’re seeing the browser window, when you start avast you’ll see its skin, its interface.