I received my first email virus today and in addition to all the confusion its caused me (which will appear in another thread!) I can’t ‘find’ my log viewer!
If I right-click on the taskbar icon, then left-click on ‘avast! Log Viewer’, nothing happens - can anyone help please?
(Same thing happens if I right-click on the simple user interface and select log viewer from there)
There’s no mention of the email virus that was found but I’m a new user of avast! and I’m probably doing something (more likely lots of somethings) wrong!
Let’s called it little glitch. Let’s see if it keeps working now. And when you have some time to spare. Read the manual and this board. Much usefull info
Do a right click on the a and select
Start avast! Antivirus. That brings up the main window then just select menue ( Upper Left ) and then Log Viewer:
Jorolat, logs are for ‘errors’.
Put the slider on the lower position (Debug) and all above will be included. If not, you’re only logging what you choose and the topics above it.
Virus are shown in Chest or in ‘reports’ (generally, not in logs)
Thanks Technical - I hadn’t realized that all above the slider position would be recorded. I sorta felt I could only choose one and it was on my list of “to do” things to see if this was so.