Logged Event From main Server

I have another strange issue. In the log file I keep getting this message from our MS/Proxy / ISA Server:

avast![SBF-HQ-1]: File
http://kh.google.com/flatfile?f1c-0203000-d.1813.119” is infected by “DAME (Dark Angel M.E.)” virus.
“Resident protection (MS Proxy/ISA)” task used
Version of current VPS file is 0642-4, 20/10/2006

I keep getting this message at random intervals. When I search the web, the general opinion is that it is part of the Avast scanning engine and is nothing to worry about. Can any one shed any light on this??

Thanks in advance… :slight_smile:

I’m not sure I understand what the question is… :slight_smile:

This log entry means that the avast ISA plugin detected a virus (called “DAME”) while scanning the data coming from the URL you posted…

By default, the ISA plugin aborts all connections as soon as a virus is detected, so you’re right there’s probably nothing to worry about…
