Logging ADMN / E-Mail

Hello guys

Two questions:

I am using ADMN Version 4.8.975 and I am asking myself, why are the server logs send to my configured E-Mail address but this entrys dont show up within the ADMN console. I expected the same logs sent via E-Mail to find under “Events” → “Server/Client-side-events” What am I doing wrong, how can I make all the detailed logs appear within the ADMN?

How can i configure a bunch of servers/hosts to send there logs via E-Mail without using the Wizard on every hosts. If I rigth-click on a computer-group, there is no option under SMTP so where i can define some recipient E-Mail address?

Thanks in advance,

Welcome to the forum.

  1. I don’t really use the reports all that often, but I have had a little bit of experience with them.
    On your “Generate coverage report”, you have it set to send as email, right?

That task can only be done one way. If you want it to be sent to email, and have a pdf file to look at locally as well, I think you’ll need to create another task that tells it to do so. Create another task and set it to Generate and export to PDF, then tell it where to put them. Or, have it generate and put it into the task section. To access it, go to server-side tasks on the left pane, click the specific task, then on the right-pane you’ll see the reports, double-click them to view in the Avast report viewer.

  1. I don’t know if you can specify specific reports for separate computer groups. It just gathers reports from all computers. So again, under the “Generate Report” task (either coverage or infection) you can tell it to email the reports to as many email addresses as you want, separate email addresses with a semi-colon.

As I said, I don’t really need to use reports very often, and I don’t require really granular reports, so doing all this is new to me.

Hello scythe944 and thanks for your reply.

  1. There seems to be a different log verbosity between logs send via e-mail and the events which can be access from ADMN. My question is, how to configure admn to bring up the same log verbosity the those send via e-mail.


I am not sure if we are talking about the same thing here. I am not talking about covering reports or misc. reports. I want the avast clients to send there logs to a defined mailbox, which i can configure using the avast wizard. But I dont want to log in to every host and configure the avast client using aswSdWiz.exe



i didnt check into the verbosity yet

but point 2 that you have is possible…

you have to use e-mail alerts, right now i dont have the time (read: memory is leaking) to xplain what i did to get an client to send an infection (block) report to a specific address but you can find the basics in the manual when you look for e-mail alerts