Sorry if this is the wrong spot to post but I am having issues with my PC.
Let me explain.
I didn’t have this problem until recently. Where say if I log off my computer it won’t let me log back in. It just shows my desktop but no icons or anything. I am able to move my mouse etc.
Now what could of caused this?
Could it be when I log on and off all the time? I have a habbit of doing that where say if I am deleting files and what not I log on and log back in to make sure the work I have done is saved etc.
Could logging on and logging back in too much of caused this?
By the way I use Avast paid version and I also have malwarebytes pro paid version.
About 2 months ago when I got malwarebytes I noticed it started taking longer to log back in say if I were to log off. I’m guessing the malwarebytes caused that? So I just been dealing with that for the past few months. But recently a few days ago now I can’t even log back in. It just stays with my desktop and no icons and then I literally have to shut my comp down with the button.
I try hitting alt 4, esc, ctrl alt delete. etc and nothing. I literally can’t do anything and I have to shut my comp down manually with the button…
So yeah. I don’t know what is causing this.
And I am able to shut my comp down fine and restart it. But I can’t log off and log back in if I want to…
Also I have a windows update at the bottom of my screen saying updates are ready for computer. Could that be why???
Maybe I deleted something when I usually clean my PC with malwarebytes scan one of those PUP files maybe or something?
I am honestly not sure. But if anyone has any input on this and knows what may be the problem please let me know. Thank you and I greatly appreciate any info