When ever I start up the mail program in Netscape, I get “login failed” boxes. How do you stop these???
are you using avast internet mail provider for netscape mail client?
Now for a dumb answer, but how do you do that???
Close your email program
Start Menu
avast Antivirus
Mail Protection Wizard
Choose ‘non Outlook/Exchange’ email client (program)
You’ll see your email accounts… You can choose to protect them or not, the Inbound and the Outbound messages.
Do you set the way you connect to the Internet into avast?
Settings > Update (Advanced)
I followed your steps, but NEVER received the ‘non Outlook/Exchange’ email client (program) option. Any idea why???
After running the MPW, you will see a window with two options for protection:
The Outlook/Exchange which is protected by a special plugin.
All other email clients based on pop3/smtp server technology
Are you saying you do not see this specific window?
And what exactly do you see in the Mail Protection Wizard windows?