
since a few weeks a missing all information in my Logviewer - Notice logfile.
Normaly all VPS-Updates and VRDB sessions are wrote down into the notice logfile.
On the Programming Settings the slider for ligging-level were set to Notice and the Log file Size limit were set to 4095 KB.
The Value for the LoggingLevel in the avast4.ini File displays 5.
myself uses the German Version, but even after switching to the english version the problem still exists.
what sould I check and/or wich actions to proceed ?

can somebody help me to solf this problem
many thanks

If your log setting is notice level, then, Avast! should be continuing the log as you described. ???

Rogerout, this was being discussed here:

The avast language won’t change or solve the behavior.

after updating today (automatic) the VPS to 0548-0 my Notice-Logfile of the Logviewer is updated again

after doing a VRDB Session also this action where wrote down in the Notice- log

it seems to by OK now

see also my replay on http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=17650.0