Long Time Poster RejZoR Has Some Interesting Comments About Avast Shields

May 17, 2011

File System Shield - scans all files on-access, doesn’t scan files inside archives for minimal performance impact but no less protection as well

Web Shield - scans all files on HTTP protocol level, also scans files inside archives

Mail Shield - scans POP3/IMAP/NNTP protocols (attachements), scans inside archives and provides special heuristics on a e-mail message structure level (double extensions, external suspicious links, suspicious HTML structure etc)

IM Shield - scans files transfered through IM protocols, also scans inside archives (provides additional layer if File System Shield is disabled for whatever reason)

P2P Shield - scans files transfered through P2P protocols, also scans inside archives (provides additional layer if File System Shield is disabled for whatever reason)

Network Shield - scans and blocks malicious packets on TCP/IP protocol level (like those from Sasser or MSBlast) and now for a while also blocks malicious webpages on HTTP protocol level

Script Shield - scans and analyzes executed scripts and follows their actions during script execution

Behavior Shield - analyzes all actions of all applications being executing and running

more on link “avast performance tweaks”


I don’t see any reason why you repost this here…???
Further you didn’t quote the whole message…!!! :-\ :frowning:

This post is very pointless and what are you trying to explain, their are many people here in the Avast forum who know RejZoR very well who has been a long member for 8 years with Avast.

Edit: Also their are many people knows and understand about the Avast features of the software.

Where would suggest that I should have posted it?

As far as not posting the whole thing. That is proper “Internet Etiquette” at least here in the U.S.A. :slight_smile:

You are letting the title of “Evangalist” and all those stars that go with it go to your head in your post. :frowning:

I don’t understand the point of your post. :-
Can you explain ???

Nesivos… What do you mean with your post?

+1 :-\

Nesivos,this is not an interesting comment for me.It is all about RegZoR’s experience to Avast! shield.

yeah, completely useless ;D

Cat got your tung ???

Nowhere. ;D
At least, as long as you put no context to the posting…