I am looking for the best free online virus scanner to check my computer for any hidden bugs, even though I do have Avast Internet Security installed, I want to cross check it with another scanner to make sure nothing has slipped by it. In the past I have used the free Eset online virus scanner and found nothing that got by my AIS which I am very happy to say. Instead of using Eset again, just would like to try another scanner to complete another virus scan on my computer. Since most of you all are very well qualified in the security field, perhaps some one would direct me to a very good Safe Free Virus scanner to check my computer for bugs, Please.
I did a Search on the forum and I did see many different online scanners, but I would like your personal recommendation on what scanner would be the best to use, Please?
Also, I recently updated my AIS to the latest program version and everything has gone smoothly, with No issues at all.
Thanks for your time and have a great day or evening.
Slightly straying from the topic, but a related question …
Is it advisable to switch Avast off when using an online scanner? Could the online scan clash with Avast if they’re simultaneously active?
Ps: I use Eset every 3-4 months and besides that I also use this one from time to time. Scroll all the way down to the bottom - PC Cleaner http://www.avira.com/en/downloads
Being a careful user and using Avast in conjunction with some other defence systems I haven’t had a virus for almost a decade.